I’m a 14-year-old girl who’s looking for help with this Internet thing….

I’m a Software Consultant living in Vancouver, BC. Born and raised American, I ran away as soon as I could. I snowboard and spend too much time in front of the damned computer. I’m pulled between my two loves – computer and music. Beside dealing with them separately as a programmer and classical guitarist, they’re often melded in audio software and techno.

But don't take my word for it – search for Greg Pfeil on Google.

My Family

Like most of you out there, I have a family of some sort. Actually, I have two families. There is my normal, everyday nuclear family with my Mom, Dad and two brothers, then there is my artificial family. The way an artificial family works is everyone is given a middle name and everyone with the same middle name is in the same family. Generally, they are all strangers, but it gives you someone to contact wherever you may be. It may seem a little strange at first, but it's nice to know you have a relative in Egypt if you ever visit there. Anyway, my family is Mandrake. You can join an artifical family, too – there's no prerequisite.

My Goals

I’ve constantly got way too many projects on the go. My goal is to be rich enough to hire an army of underlings to implement them, while I sit on a beach in Italy thinking up new ones and making techno.


I do have friends (believe it or not) and a few of them have web pages. Here are some of them for your viewing pleasure.

Jonny Arkell
One of the kings of Live PA Techno. If he wasn’t hidden away in Calgary, you’d probably have a CD of his in you collection.
Rick Harman
My interim roommate. One day this guy’s going to be a famous artist. Just as soon as he learns to let go of his safety nets.
Brian Higgins
Someday he’ll put up a page that points to his demo reel. Brian’s a talented 3D compositor.
Dianna McDonald
My ex-girlfriend and good friend.
Tom Schulz
The local enforcer. Center of the EastVan crew. His house is our hub.
Krystal Shea
This girl is insane. And she wants to be a DJ – see, insanity.
Jason Sims
House producer and artist. My local Mac guru.
Drew Smith
The techno courses through his veins, and he’s on a touring kick at the moment, so book him.
Mark Smitka
he's my ex-girlfriend's dad and he's pretty damn cool to boot.
Jody Wageman
Keith's girlfriend and a pretty cool person in her own right.

Gee, I guess it's pretty sad that most of these links go right to the student Web server at JMU. I guess my friends outside of the school don't really bother with web pages too much - they're too cool for that. Oh, well, I'll get them back later.

In fact, I'll get them back now, by mentioning them here without giving them the ability to rebut. My best friend and brother-by-choice is Christian Fusco. I don't see him a lot because he's in western Pennsylvania at IUP and I'm down in Virginia all the time, but that doesn't keep us from being friends. Of course, even my best friend is second (sorry, Chris) to my long-time girlfriend, Kathleen Rankin. She's everything to me and I know exactly where I'd be righ t now if it wasn't for her (definitely not in college). Filling out the Inner Circle as I like to call them, are Mitch Broadbent, Joe Ritter, Jeff Ehlenberger and Cheryl Fusco (in no particular order). They've all been pretty important in my li fe and I wouldn't be who I am without all of them. Thanks guys.

Well, that was rather sappy, so I'll change my tune a little here. This one is for the members of the Inner Circle, so if you don't understand this paragraph, just skip it. "Ach, du! Ach, du! Ach, du meine gute!" Why do my friends have a habit of being chased with knives by their women? Mad Rhino, Troubadour, Eight-Track, Cricket and what about Gramma Fudgebottom and Ground Floor, um, I mean Fuzz Project? Ah, the memories. Hanging out at Sunoco all hours of the night and crashing out at Chris' house. Late nights talking about ghosts after/before visiting an abandoned house. How could I forget…the thing that brought us all together in the first place…Marching Band! Yep, there's been a lot of stuff and I can't wait to see you all again.