I'm big on ideas or something. I'm always thinking of stuff to do. Here are a few of them. Some are coming to fruition.

Object OS

This was seeded by a friend. An operating system without applications. Each datatype has a handler, and the handlers are managed by, well, managers. Only one application is ever running, the "init" process.

Smart Appliances

This ties in with both my wearable terminal and object OS ideas. Each appliance has a PAN interface (merely touch it to connect). When a connection is made, the wearable says, "Oh, we're dealing with an oven (or car, or toaster), load the correct handler/manager to use this device.


My newest idea is to get a government grant to do the research I'm working on in wearable computing. It's something I think is very worthwhile, but without government funding, I have to spend too much time earning money to be able to do anything overly productive. Hopefully, this will turn out well.

Wearable Terminal

X-Terminals have recently been renamed "network computers". This is unfortunate in my opinion. I have kept with tradition in naming this device. There has been a lot of development in "wearable computing" as of late and I have found myself very interested.

Originally, I tried to max out the power of my wearable computer. I quickly found that there was a price to be paid in battery life and weight. My solution was to go to the opposite extreme -- use the wearable system merely as a terminal. With the high-speed wireless systems available today, networking is a fairly simple matter. The computer is basically an X-Terminal with a wireless ethernet connection.

Neuron Keyboard

Naming this is a pain in the ass -- since it's not really a keyboard, but I don't know any other word to describe it. I should have it built soon, so you'll be able to read the patent.