Society Implementation

As technology develops, the actual implementation varies. However, here are some possible technologies ready for use now.

Operating System

FreeBSD, Linux, NetBSD, OpenBSD


All privacy systems must be Open Source. Strong measures will be taken to recommend against proprietary algorithms.


Public-Key, in particular Gnu Privacy Guard

Digital Signature

Gnu Privacy Guard


Two-stage, smart card and biometric

Character Set

Unicode (UTF-8) All approved fonts and applications must be fully Unicode compliant, not merely enough to cover our character set. However, fully compliant fonts do not yet exist, so this is temporarily void.


All systems must be fully accessible to handicapped persons. This means that a solid subsystem must exist to provide text-to-speech, speech recognition, keyboard-only input, and mouse-only input.

Taking into account the fact that the character set is based on the number set in a very consistent way, and that chorded keyboards are relatively advanced, it is possible that the typewriter portion of a keyboard contain only 12 keys -- a manageable number compared to the ~52 on a standard US keyboard.


Private, non-real time: PGP-encrypted/signed e-mail. Private, real-time: PGP-encrypted IM-type service. Public, non-real time: PGP-signed Usenet post. Public, real-time: PGP-signed IRC message. Group, non-real time: PGP-signed mailing list (optional encryption?) Group, real time: PGP-signed invite-only IRC? (optional encryption?) *, publishing: PGP-signed Web page, (optional authentication/encryption)